Industry 4.0 Consulting

Keyland SdG provides a comprehensive view of all industrial processes that can be improved by using technology.

The expertise you need

Making an accurate diagnosis and implementing an industrial digitization plan is not an easy task.
At Keyland SdG, we put all our experience in Industry 4.0 projects at the service of your company to ensure success.

Industrial digitization plan adapted for industrial SMEs.

Corporate culture and change management.

Consulting for 4.0 and continuous improvement departments.

Advanced plan for digital transformation and Industry 4.0

MINCOTUR and the School of Industrial Organization (EOI).

Continuous support and advice.


SMEs need to consider different types of improvement and possible optimization projects in all areas and processes. It is necessary to analyze, assess and evaluate their return with an integrated and shared Technical and Operational vision.

We design an Industry 4.0 Improvement Plan in the short and medium term, prioritized and sequenced to obtain the best added value in terms of industrial competitiveness.

Taking the initial situation of your company as a starting point, we help you to design the necessary initiatives for the digitization process and to establish a roadmap for its implementation. The process focuses on cost reduction, competitive improvement and added-value enrichment.


Review of initial situation


Preliminary diagnosis

and presentation of identified opportunities


Project files


Prioritization of opportunities

and quick wins, aligning technology and business criteria


Digitization Plan Development


Digitization Plan Presentation


As a result of a Digitization Plan that identifies the technological levers needed in this process and establishes the roadmap for its implementation, the need to generate an appropriate corporate culture in Industry 4.0 within the company often arises.

Progressing as a company implies a mentality that is open to innovation.

Industrial digitization is a process that requires an open attitude to innovation and the ability to adapt to a changing environment. keyland CONECTA proposes a series of workshops on Industry 4.0 that help you overcome the fear of change and adapt to a continuously evolving environment.

What do we achieve?

More innovative and creative professionals ready to face new Industry 4.0 challenges.

Development of digital skills in employees and managers aimed at self-learning, collaboration, communication and client orientation.

Initiatives and incorporation of new technologies in the organization will involve both employees and managers.


After the implementation of a Digitization Plan, a recurring type of initiative emerges consisting of the setting up of an Industry 4.0 or continuous improvement department.

We advise companies on how to establish and assign the functions that this department needs to perform in order to manage the implementation of these technologies properly.

keyland AVANZA supports companies in conducting the necessary actions required for a Digitization Plan.

What do we achieve?

Digitization strategies that focus the current and future business model on client experience and the digital environment.

Assignment of digitization-oriented profiles and definition of their responsibilities.

Management of digitization projects with the company’s own resources or suitable technology providers.

Having a budget and responsibilities in digitization for the improvement and technological progress of the organization.



A correct diagnosis of the situation and the development of an Industrial Digitization Plan allows companies to identify the technological levers necessary in this process and to establish the roadmap for its implementation, involving their key people and aimed at competitive improvement and increasing industrial added value.

We have our own methodology that helps companies to efficiently implement the technologies that have changed most with Industry 4.0, whatever the sector in which they operate.

The Digitization Plan involves a complete integration of continuous improvement processes to achieve the most significant competitive value in the industry. Through a collaborative model, the Plan Director integrates both the technical analysis and the perception and priorities of those responsible for areas and processes, in a structured and organized way for the purpose of industrial competitiveness.

Design of the work team and start-up session for the organization.

Industry 4.0 Working Meetings, Motivation, Training and Demonstrations.

Identification and Analysis of initial Improvement Proposals.

Analysis and Validation of improvement priorities and grouping.

Economic analysis of grouped projects.

Preparation of the Industry 4.0 Digitization Plan.

Consultancy programme in collaboration with MINCOTUR and the EOI


Industria Conectada 4.0 is a strategy promoted by the General Secretary for Industry and SMEs (SGIPYME) of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism whose aim is to increase industrial added value and skilled employment in the sector, to promote a model for the industry of the future by developing the local supply of digital solutions, and also to promote differential competitive levers to support Spanish industry and boost its exports.

Keyland SdG is an approved consultant in the ACTIVA INDUSTRIA 4.0 programme by the EOI (School of Industrial Organization) and the Ministry of Industry.
Through this service, companies have access to a diagnosis of the situation and a Digitization Plan that identifies the necessary enablers and establishes the roadmap for its implementation.


On-site visits to our clients’ facilities.


Assessment of the company’s initial situation and internal analysis.

Digitization Plan

Definition of operations and identification of digital solutions.


Demonstrative workshops on technologies.



The implementation of a Digitization Plan means that companies need an industrial Technology Partner to support and advise them in the management, development and implementation of the plan.

Keyland SdG’s experience in defining and executing technological projects in various industrial sectors provides us with the optimal capabilities to become our clients’ technology partners.

Thanks to the knowledge and experience of a multidisciplinary expert team, we offer companies a technological advisory service in all aspects of industrial projects: Consulting, Innovation, Development, IT/OT Infrastructure, Engineering, MES Solutions, ERP, Data Capture Digitization, Collaborative Robotics, etc.

Technological support.

Preparation of technological information.

Attendance at meetings.

Support in the definition of technological solutions.

Technological analysis of products and solutions.

Management of technological projects.